Thursday, July 24, 2008

VICE and The Tales of Colt 45 Present: CHEESEBURGER

CHEESEBURGER, the raunchy and raucous foursome from Brooklyn, NY, bring their brand of debauchery and rock'n'roll to five cities across the U.S. in August! Cheeseburger and Colt 45 at a Vice party? Sounds like a recipe for trouble. Come out and get some!

The band will be performing shows in Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia and New York.

All you have to do is RSVP for free entry.

The New York Times - "Audience members who aren't interested in meeting the lead singer should stay back, or else be ready to run."

Pitchfork Media - "Rather than copy some Motley Crue cliche and wind up sounding like Jet or Louis XIV, Cheeseburger toy with rock archetypes the way a big cat teases its prey."

Vice - "It's been a while since I've been able to whole-heartedly get behind a band or record. There's always that one acoustic tune or the guy in the band who wears a scarf inside or whatever that keeps you from really championing them. This is simply a few guys who hang out at Greenpoint Tavern, slow-dance with the owner and occasionally stumble down the street to write rock songs. Record of the year so far."

Tour Dates:

Mon Aug 4th @ King King
6553 Hollywood Blvd Los Angeles

Wed Aug 6th @ Drunken Unicorn
736 Ponce de Leon Pl NE, Atlanta, Georgia

Thur Aug 7th @ The Hideout
1354 W Wabansia Ave, Chicago

Fri Aug 8th @ The Barbary
951 Frankford Ave Philadelphia

Sat Aug 9th @ Glasslands Gallery
289 Kent Avenue Brooklyn


Check out Cheeseburger music at


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